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200 Mbps Download, 100 Mbps Upload
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Month to Month, No Contracts
No Credit Checks
Unlimited Data, No Caps!
No Speed Throttling
No Hidden Fees
Monthly Plans - Install Fee Due Today, First Month Due On Install
Prepaid Plans - Install Fee Due Today, Balance Due on Install
Plan Terms Include
To better understand internet plans, think of it this way.
1 Tv Streaming Netflix on 4k uses 15Mbps. Remember, the term internet speed can be confusing, we prefer to use the term Bandwidth. With more Bandwidth (i.e. speed), you can do more at the same time with multiple devices. It doesn't mean your internet experience will be faster. The term speed comes from being able to download a larger files faster.
Current marketing trends by large internet companies are trying to get you to spend more money on larger plans that are not necessary. Jelly provides you with reliable internet and plans that have plenty of speed for even the largest families with many smart home devices.
The amount of devices you can connect is only limited by the router you are using. The router we provide can connect up to 25 devices. You are always able to order a more powerful router from us or pick one up at any electronics store
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